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Top tips for sleeping well

Sleep problems, even quite mild ones, can affect your emotional wellbeing and the quality of your life. Trying some of these tips may help you to get the sleep you need.

Make your bedroom a calm place

Make sure the light, temperature and sound level suits you. Keeping your room cool, dark and quiet is usually best. Turn off electrical appliances such as TVs, computers and phones. These all stimulate your brain, making it harder to relax. Scents such as lavender in your room can help to relax you.

Breathing exercise

Breathe in deeply to the count of three and slowly breathe out to the count of four. Repeat this for at least two minutes to help relax you and aid falling asleep.  Meditation and relaxation apps can be a great way to clear your mind, relax and unwind, helping to aid a restful night’s sleep.

Think about what you eat and drink

Caffeine, alcohol, cigarettes and sugary foods all stimulate the body and will disturb your sleep pattern so avoid these for at least 2 hours before going to bed.

Check for a physical cause

Pain, illness or other physical health problems can disturb your sleep. Visit your GP to investigate potential causes and get help with treating them. Some medications may also keep you awake. If this is the case, talk to your GP to discuss alternatives.

Physical exercise

Regular exercise during the day will improve your sleep pattern, as long as it’s not late in the evening. Work at a pace you can manage. A brisk walk for 20 minutes a day, yoga, tai-chi or Pilates is not only good for your physical health but will also help aid a good night’s sleep.

Keep to a routine

Keep the time you go to bed the same each night and get up at the same time in the mornings. This will help to set your body clock into a rhythm.

Relax in the evenings

Try reading a book or having a relaxing bath with bath scents. This can help you unwind ready for bed. A warm milky drink or herbal tea such as chamomile can also be beneficial in helping you to unwind before going to sleep.  

Resolve your stressors

Try to prioritise important tasks early in the day and relaxing ones later. Talk to someone if you are worried about anything which maybe keeping you awake. Alternatively, if you are unable to resolve your worries, try writing down your thoughts to help put them out of your mind before going to sleep. 


If you would like further support on sleeping well, the following apps are free to download and use at your convenience:


Calm: Meditation to relax, focus and sleep better

Calm is the #1 app for mindfulness and meditation to bring more clarity, joy and peace to your daily life. Join the millions experiencing less anxiety and better sleep with the guided meditations, breathing programmes and sleep stories. Recommended by top psychologists and mental health experts to help you de-stress.

Useful Contacts:

The Sleep Council:

NHS One You:

Additional resources:

A wide range of services, support and self-help material can be found on this website.

This website helps to address any sleep problems you may have and offers advice and support on how to get a better night’s sleep.