First-rate care, First-rate people, First-rate value

Involvement & feedback

We are committed to improving the services we provide. We work closely with NHS Surrey Heartlands Clinical Commissioning Group, and other CCGs, which buy and monitor our services on behalf of the NHS, ensuring we provide the most up to date clinical care and services, in line with NICE and NHS England guidelines.

You can find out more about how we are doing here

We want to hear from our patients, their carers and others about the care received from us. You can do this using the various methods shown below.

We also want to involve local people when we are considering changing services. This joint planning of clinicians providing services and local people who have experience with us - or who might need care from us in the future - enables us to make the right choices, and provide best health and care services. Please do consider joining our First Community Network (details below). 

Here are some words that our patients have used to describe First Community Staff 


Words to describe colleagues in June 2023



This compliment is from a patient who has accessed a variety of our community and outpatient services.

a quote giving positive feedback


Watch Tim talk about his experience of Caterham Dene Hospital.


First Community Network

Join our First Community Network

Find out how to join our First Community Network to have an input into the way community health services are provided and developed.
questionnaire icon

Complete the Friends and Family Test questionnaire to rate the level of care you have received

Enter a code if you have been given one or search for the service.
People talking

Tell us your full story

Tell us about the care you've received from our teams.
online form icon

Submit your feedback using an online form

Fill in this online form to share your feedback with us.
feedback icon

Find out more about compliments and complaints

Including our fair processing notice, complaints policy and the local resolution process
ask 3 questions

Ask 3 questions to help you make the right choices for your health

First Community Health and Care use shared decision making to improve outcomes for service users and to understand what’s important to them.