First-rate care, First-rate people, First-rate value

Key documents and statements

If you want to find more about First Community, our plans, reviews and our approach, this area covers some of our key documents and statements.

Vision, Values and Strategic Approach 2020 - 2024

First Community's Vision, Values and Strategic Approach 2020 - 2024

Quality Account and Annual Report

Find out more about First Community and the services we provide in our Quality Accounts and Annual Report:

Quality Account 2023-24

First Community Annual Report 2023/24

First Community Annual Report 2022-23

First Community Annual Report 2021-22

Health and Safety 

The below report provides an overview of the Health & Safety management within First Community and summarises the development during 2020/21

General Statement of Intent

QMS ISO 45001 Certificate


First Community Health and Care recognises that health and sustainability go hand in hand.

The NHS announced its ambitious target to being Net Zero by 2040 and First Community is committed to playing its part in achieving this by helping make a difference and delivering sustainable healthcare to the communities it serves.

Our Green Plan is the start of our commitment to becoming a more sustainable healthcare provider, and directly supports the targets set out by NHS England and NHS Improvement (NHSEI).

First Community’s initial interim target is to reduce our carbon footprint we have pledged to reduce our carbon footprint of 26% by March 2025, and to work towards three key aims which are: reducing our environmental impact; improving wellbeing of our patients, staff and communities and investing in the future through forward thinking sustainable decision making.

Printed communications such as letters and leaflets will be provided by First Community on 100% recycled, unbleached paper. This paper is better for our environment and our health, and is used as part of our commitment to becoming a more sustainable healthcare provider. 

Read more about our ambitious Green Plan below.

Green Plan 2022

Patient Safety Incident Response Plan

This plan sets out how we, at First Community, will learn from and respond to patient safety incidents reported by staff and people who use our services.

Equality and diversity

As a healthcare provider, an employer and a social enterprise, First Community is committed to ensuring equality and inclusion are at the heart of what we do and the way we work. This means that we undertake to act equitably and fairly at all times, towards our patients and service users and our staff. We take serious our obligations under the Equality Act to:

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct that is prohibited by the Act (Equality Act 2010)
  • Advance equal opportunities between people who share a characteristic and those who don’t
  • Foster good relations between people who share a characteristic and those who don't

Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths and we continue to strive to build an inclusive culture. Racism will not be tolerated by First Community.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2021 - 2022

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Report 2022-2023

First Community equality objectives   

Workforce Race Equality Standard April 2022 - March 2023

NHS Workforce Disability Equality Standard (WDES) Annual Report 2023

Gender Pay Gap Report March 2022

Gender Pay Gap Report 2023

Accessible Information Standard

The Accessible Information Standard aims to ensure people who have a disability, impairment or sensory loss get information he/she can access and understand and any communication support needed.  We ask patients, services users and carers if they have information or communication needs and how we can meet those needs. We record this information on records, highlight this so it is clear to colleagues, share this as appropriate and provide information in the correct format as needed. You can read more about this on the NHS England website

Self-Certification Licence 

First Community's self-certification licence can be downloaded here: Self certification 2021

Information Governance

Privacy Notice

This notice explains what information we collect, why we collect it and how we keep it secure. It also explains your rights and our legal obligation. We undertake information audits to establish clear lines on what personal data we hold and what we do with it.

First community is committed to digital transformation and will be improving the way that we communicate with patients by using SMS texts and email.

Privacy Policy updated May 2024


First Community are committed to the continuous improvement of Information Governance through the development of clear policies and procedures for the whole organisation.

Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Statement

You can read First Community's statement on our approach to fraud, bribery and corruption here

National Fraud Initiative

National Fraud Initiative (NFI) Privacy Notice

Modern Slavery Statement 

Domestic Abuse Statement

Domestic abuse - you are not alone

First Community Health and Care is committed to supporting victims and survivors of domestic abuse.

Domestic abuse is not always visible, it can feel scary and isolating but you are not alone.

If you, or a loved one, are the victim of domestic abuse our practitioners can help you to access confidential support through East Surrey Domestic Abuse Service (ESDAS).

Contact ESDAS in confidence on 01737 771350 9am - 4pm Mon – Fri



SMS  07860 039720

If it is safe to do so, you can also download the Bright Sky App or visit their website which is for anyone experiencing domestic abuse, or who is worried about someone else.

In an emergency dial 999

Keeping Children and Adults Safe Statement