Musculoskeletal symptoms can be caused by something serious and it's important for you to know when to seek help. If you experience any of the following you should seek advice from your GP.
- The pain you are experiencing is getting worse rather than better despite following the self-management guidance below
- Symptoms have not been significantly helped by a trial of medication as expected
- You feel unwell and suffer symptoms such as fever, night sweats or weight loss
- You experience pain at night, possibly worse than during the day that prevents you from sleeping due to increasing pain and/or difficulty lying flat
- You experience a change in your ability to walk, including balance problems or weakness/heaviness in your legs
- You develop a hot and swollen joint for no apparent reason
- Early morning stiffness, lasting for longer than 30 minutes
- New on-set severe headache.
Managing foot pain Including a list of useful websites
Managing ankle pain Including a list of useful websites
Managing neck pain Including a list of useful websites
- Managing neck pain. Chartered Society of Physiotherapists - CSP
- Common causes of neck pain. CSP
- Neck pain general information. Patient info
- An MRI – do I need one?. Spine surgeons
- Basic neck exercises. Versus Arthritis
- Whiplash advice. NHS
- Treatment of neck pain. CSP
Managing knee pain Including a list of useful websites
- Managing knee pain. CSP
- ESCAPE pain in knees. Escape Pain
Managing shoulder pain Including a list of useful websites
- General shoulder information. Shoulder Doc
- Managing shoulder pain. CSP
- Frozen shoulder or
- Shoulder arthritis. Shoulder Doc
- Rotator cuff related pain syndrome (including subacromial pain). Shoulder Doc
- British Elbow and Shoulder Society.
- Shoulder exercise booklet. Versus Arthritis
Managing wrist and hand pain Including a list of useful websites
Wrist and hand
Managing back pain Including a list of useful websites
- Managing back pain. CSP
- Common causes of back pain. CSP
- An MRI – do I need one?. Spine Surgeons
- ESCAPE pain for backs. Escape Pain
- Sleep information leaflet. livewellwithpain
- 5 Steps to mental wellbeing. NHS
- Exercise advice. NHS
- 12 tools to help with self-management. Pain toolkit
Managing hip pain Including a list of useful websites
- Managing hip pain. CSP
- Common causes of hip pain. NHS
- ESCAPE pain for hips. Escape Pain
Managing pelvic health Including a list of useful websites and videos
Pelvic health
- Getting comfortable and turning over in bed with pregnancy related pelvic girdle or lower back pain
- Basic pelvic floor strengthening exercises
- Pelvic floor exercises for women or
- Pelvic floor exercises for men or
- Pelvic organ prolapse advice.
- Pelvic girdle pain in pregnancy.
- Advice on exercise after pregnancy.
- Help and support for mothers with Anal Sphincter injuries in childbirth.
- Help and support through COVID-19.
Managing elbow pain Including a list of useful websites
- Managing elbow pain. CSP
- General elbow advice. NHS
- Repetitive strain. NHS
- Tennis elbow. NHS
- General elbow exercises. Versus Arthritis
Osteoporosis Including a list of useful websites
- Information and support. Royal Osteoporosis Society
- Osteoporosis information. Arthritis Foundation
- Osteoporosis information. NHS advice
- Exercise videos. Royal Osteoporosis Society
- General Osteoarthritis advice and information. Versus Arthritis
- ESCAPE pain in the knee and hip. ESCAPE pain
- Osteoarthritis information. Jigsaw-E leaflet
- Hip OA booklet. Versus arthritis information
- Knee OA booklet. Versus arthritis information
- Seated exercises. Arthritis action information
Getting active Including a list of useful websites and videos
Getting active is really important. Watch this 5 minute video by Dr Mike Evans in partnership with 24 Hour Fitness to find out why, what and how much.
These are some great resources to help get you active, whatever your interest or level.
Looking after your general health Including a list of useful websites
General health
Maintaining a good general health will help manage any injuries that occur.
- 5 Steps to Mental Wellbeing
- Healthy weight
- Eat well
- British Dietetics Association: Food Fact Sheets
- Exercise
- Sleep and tiredness
- Alcohol Support
- Quit smoking
- Healthy body
- Sexual health
- Carers advice
If you require any further support with your general health, you can book an appointment with your Wellbeing advisor in your GP surgery – see your GP website for further information.
Managing persistent (chronic) pain Including a list of useful websites and videos
Persistent (chronic) pain
There are many steps that you can take at home to manage your symptoms eg. Pacing, relaxation and mindfulness. The following resources contain written information, leaflets, videos and interactive tasks to help you manage your pain independently at home.
- My Live Well with Pain: Leaflets, videos and workbooks
- 10 Footsteps – a self-management course online. My Live Well with Pain
- Pain Toolkit: Self-management videos and interactive tasks
- Interactive café. Pain Toolkit. Join other people with long term pain for a cup of coffee and a chat
- 12 tools to help with self-management. Pain Toolkit
- Understanding pain in less than 5 minutes and what to do about it!
Looking after your mental health Including a list of useful websites
Mental health
A list of local mental health services in east Surrey.
For emergencies ring the Mental Health Crisis Team on 0800 915 4644 or 999
Mind Matters
Provide talking therapies to adults (17+) registered with a GP in Surrey who are experiencing common mental health problems such as depression, anxiety and stress.
Phone: 0300 3305 450
Talking Therapies Surrey
If you’re struggling with depression, stress, insomnia or an anxiety disorder, they can support you through their flexible online Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) and counselling programmes.
Telephone: 03003 652000
Text: SURREY to 07500 915968
Improved Access to Psychological Therapies services are our psychological therapy services that offer bespoke support for people experiencing depression, anxiety, panic attacks, OCD, post trauma and phobias or living with a long-term health condition. There are five different providers in East Surrey that you can choose from, and you can self-refer or talk to your GP.
DHC Talking Therapies
Talking Therapies provide a range of treatment options including Counselling for Depression, Cognitive Behavioural therapy, Guided Self Help and EMDR. Service for 18+ only.
Telephone: 01483 90639
Ieso Digital Health
One-to-one cognitive behavioural therapy in real time using typed conversation over a secure internet connection. Service for 18+ only.
Telephone: 01954 230 066
Shout is the UK’s first free 24/7 crisis text line available for anyone, anytime, anywhere. The service is anonymous and off bill.
Text: 05258
We are With You (formerly ThinkAction Surrey)
We are With You offer free, confidential support to people who want to feel better about themselves or their relationships with other people.
Telephone: 03000 120012 (Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00)
Healthy Surrey
Surrey have many agencies and services which can support you with your mental health. If you would like to talk to someone about the help available, call the confidential phone line to guide you to self-help resources and local/national services.
Telephone: 0808 802 5000
Text: 07537 432411
Crisis Mental Health Helpline
In times of distress you can call the mental health crisis helpline.
Telephone: 0800 915 4644
Samaritans offer a safe place for you to talk any time you like, in your own way – about whatever’s getting to you. You don’t have to be suicidal. Call Samaritans free, 24 hours a day 365 days a year.
Telephone: 116 123
Mood Gym
Moodgym is an online self-help program designed to help users prevent and manage symptoms of depression and anxiety. It is like an interactive, online self-help book which teaches skills based on cognitive behaviour therapy.